Monday, December 27, 2010

A Christmas Miracle

**Little Leah Noelle Davis was born on December 14, 2010 at 9:17PM in Modesto, California. She weighed 6 pounds 2 ounces and was 18 inches long. She has dark eyes and soft, amber-brown hair. She is a teeny peanut with soft, delicate features. She was welcomed into this world by her sisters, Amanda and Stephanie, and her favorite brother, Daniel.

**Leah was delivered by C-section due to many complications with Laura's pregnancy, including preeclampsia (pregnancy induced high blood pressure).

**Leah has been home for about a week and is a true joy. She is a great sleeper and eater. She has a very even disposition and loves the attention of her siblings. Amanda is in love with Leah and spends every waking moment possible holding her, kissing on her, and entertaining her.

**We are so grateful to have Leah here safe and sound after 38 weeks of complications. She is truly a miracle from God! We want to thank everyone who helped us along this journey! We sure appreciate each of you for the love and concern that you have shown during this difficult pregnancy. We are such a blessed family to have so many neat people in our lives. We look forward to introducing Leah to each of you and sharing her sweet spirit with you all.

**We will try to keep this blog updated so that we can share her with you until you have a chance to meet her for yourselves.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Very Decorated Scout!

Daniel earned and received 8 merit badges at his last Court of Honor. He now has 29 completed merit badges. He is short one recommended merit badge from advancing to a Life Scout. After Life Scout, he will work toward his Eagle Scout. His personal goal is to have his Eagle Scout completed as a thirteen year old. Way to go, Daniel!

The countdown continues....

Just wanted to post an update on our baby countdown. We have been busy getting ready for Baby Davis #4. The crib is assembled despite the fact that we didn't have any directions. The changing table is organized. (Sure hope that this is a girl because that is a lot of pink). The carseat has been ordered. Now we just need someone special to put in the crib, carseat, and changing table.

Stephanie is keeping track of the baby's arrival with a paper change for counting the days. It is fun watching the chain get shorter and shorter.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Seussical the Musical

Life has been very crazy in the Davis Home during the past six weeks due to the Hickman Honor Choir performing Seussical the Musical. Daniel played the part of the Cat in the Hat. He spent nine-eleven hours a week at rehearsals. This past weekend, he had 5 performances. He was so fun to watch, and he did an amazing job! He definitely has a flair for singing and acting.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

IT'S A ..........

Well, it is official!! Davis #4 is a girl. We are excited and eager to meet her sometime around Christmas. She is starting to be very active, especially at night. She has the hiccups several times a day. We are in search of baby names, so any suggestions would be awesome.

Nauvoo Fun!!!!

So what is new with the Davis crew??? We just returned from a month in Illinois. We had the opportunity to participate as a family in the Nauvoo pageant for a couple of weeks. It was a neat experience! Laura and the kids also had a chance to visit with family and friends and see some of the sights in Chicago. It was a good trip, but hard with Laura being pregnant and having morning sickness and kidney stones. We are happy to be home now and trying to get caught up on life, as we also begin another crazy busy school year. We will try to update our blog more frequently, so check back often. Leave a message or two for our family and let us know how you are doing....

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Life with Daniel is always an adventure!

As I sit here quietly in my office, Daniel and 13 of his friends are racing around my house playing capture the flag with Nerf guns. The volume is higher than one could ever imagine, the energy intense, but they are having fun. Daniel's friends are here celebrating his 12th birthday with him.

We surprised Daniel with a second party for some of his older friends. It was a sleepover. He was so surprised. The boys played Nerf wars at the park, roasted hot dogs on the fire, played Wii, and assembled his new Lego kits.

We also surprised Daniel with a guitar. He is such a natural with music and piano, we thought that it would be fun for him to learn the guitar. He was so excited!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

January Highlights in a Nutshell

Amanda received the Principal's Honor Award for earning a 4.0 GPA for her first semester of high school. We are so proud of her. She worked very hard and learned many valuable lessons in time management. Keep up the great work, Amanda!

Stephie and Daniel are also finding great successes with school. It is hard to believe that the year is already half over. We are learning so much together. In history, we are studying Ancient History. As part of our unit on the Phoenician people, we made Phoenician pita bread. It was yummy with melted butter in cinnamon and sugar.

All-Star Scout, Daniel, received a rank advancement and 7 merit badges at the Scout Court of Honor. He has worked very hard during the past 10 months in Boy Scouts. He is a very decorated scout with hopes of getting his Eagle Scout award by age 13.

Where does this child live anyway? Stephanie has decided to stay "extra warm" by wearing her winter scarf, hat, and mittens to bed. Give me a break~this is California, not Chicago.