Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Time Warp

While archiving pictures today, I came across our engagement photo. Wow! What a time warp! Who knew that we would go from that...to this? Life is good!

My Little Sprite

My little sprite is not so little any more. It is hard to believe that she is 14 already and so beautiful! Where did the time go?

Saturday, December 19, 2009

An Early Christmas Present

NAUVOO~Here we come! Yesterday, we received our official invitation to participate in the 2010 Nauvoo Pageant. We weren't suppose to find out until December 31st. We are so excited! Come and see us in Nauvoo in July.

Thanksgiving~Davis style

For Thanksgiving, we had the wonderful opportunity to go trailer camping with our good friends, the Dunlops. We went to the mountains near Yosemite. We spent the week hiking, riding 4-wheelers, playing games, shooting guns, eating great food, and enjoying our family and friends. We were camped at the top of a mountain ridge. The view was amazing! We could see for miles around in any direction. It was a great way to reflect on all of the wonders and blessings that we have been given from the Lord. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

On The Road Again~Part 3

After our visit with Cindy, we drove to the coast to Monterey. We walked along the wharf and the beach on Sunday night, and then spent Monday at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

On The Road Again~Part 2

After spending the day in Redding, we drove to Yuba City to visit my Aunt Cindy. Stephanie and I took her a beautiful swan and spent some time visiting with her. Stephanie told me that meeting Cindy was the best part of the whole vacation.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

On the road again...

Just couldn't wait to get on the road again...

For Doug's birthday this year, I planned a special 4 day weekend getaway for the family. Originally, we were going to spend the weekend in Monterey, but after researching things to do in California, we decided to divide the time between two entirely different places~Redding(4 hours north)and Monterey Bay(2 1/2 hours west).

In Redding, we went to the Turtle Bay Exploration Museum and botanical gardens. The museum had a special Lego exhibit with 33 life-size exhibits. Daniel is such a huge Lego fan, we knew that he would love this museum. Bonus for us, we went a day that they were hosting a Lego building competition. There were 28 builders in his age category. Unfortunately, Daniel's awesome creation did not win, but he was interviewed and video-taped for the local paper and TV station. We did some trail walking along the Sacramento River. It was beautiful and the weather was perfect.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Get a Clue!

This year for Halloween, we were the "Clue Family". Daniel was working on his Family Life merit badge and needed to organize and lead a family project. We put him in charge of our Halloween costumes. In the end, Miss Scarlet used the wrench and Mr. Green did it with the rope. Laura was bored as the Clue board, while the two younger kids were simply "paradise". It was a fun, easy idea, and we crossed off another merit badge. Eagle Scout~here we come.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Good news! Bad news!

I have been having a lot of pain in my left abdomen and fevers on and off for about two weeks now. Not intense pain, but constant and aggravating. In order to figure out the cause, I have been to the doctors' office several times and had some ultrasounds and other tests done. I have a cyst on my left ovary, but it was nothing to be concerned with at this point. Unfortunately, no one could find the cause of my constant pain. I was beginning to think that maybe I was imagining the pain? Not really.

Two days ago, my pain increased and moved into my back. At this point, I knew that I had kidney stones AGAIN.

Good news~I went to get a CT scan today and the doctor found multiple stones in my left kidney and one in my pelvic area causing the pain in both areas. All appear to be "on the move".

Bad news~After passing stones on four other occasions, I know that these stones are going to cause severe pain any day, any moment. The big question will be~can I pass these stones on my own, or will I need to go to the hospital? Either way, I am not super excited.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Happy Birthday, Manders!

It is so hard to believe that Amanda is 14 years old. Where has the time gone, and why is it going so fast?

We had two celebrations for Amanda. On Saturday, we had an M&M birthday party with 11 of her friends. The official theme was "M&Ms Make Friends". Amanda is a wonderful friend, and in return she has so many nice friends. We played fun relays and games and ate too many M&Ms. It was a great party!

On Sunday, her actual birthday, we had a family party. Amanda wanted turkey pockets for dinner. We ate apple crisp with ice cream. We played Scrabble together. Mom won, of course. (Hee Hee, Dad!)

Amanda is so excited about turning 14 years old. Now she can attend school and church dances. Today it is attending dances, tomorrow~driving and dating, and then off to college. (Sniff, sniff, sniff)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Poor Little Buddy!

Little Daniel is sick again! Two weeks ago, Daniel had a very high fever and ear ache for 4 straight days. He stayed in bed and slept most of that time away. He didn't eat and lost weight. I took him to the doctor, and she said that he had fluid in his ear causing vomiting, dizziness, fever, etc. After a few days of no fever, he was back to his normal self~for a week or so.

Sunday morning he woke up with a terrible cough and a fever of 103.1. He had no appetite or energy. Again today, he had a high fever, but was able to eat soup. He looks so pale and thin.

I feel so bad for my little buddy! If he has a fever again tomorrow, we will return to the doctor.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Beauty and the Beast

The Hickman Honor Choir just finished their final performance of Beauty and the Beast last night. Life has been so busy preparing for this performance. The students attended choir 2-3 afternoons a week for the past month or so to learn this show. Daniel was Monsier De Arque, a wolf, and a townsperson.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Oh The Memories!

We are home now from our summer adventures~busy in our world of school, piano, church, seminary, etc. We all miss Nauvoo, family, friends, the activities of the Nauvoo pageant. It was a wonderful opportunity for our family and something we will treasure for the rest of our lives. We hope to be able to return next summer!

Hair today~gone tomorrow!
Doug couldn't wait to get his hair cut and face shaved. Let's see~we finished with pageant clean-up at 2:30 in the morning, and Doug was shaved and cut by 10:00 AM.

Although we were super busy as pioneers, we did steal a few moments to enjoy the modern parts of life. Four-wheeling is a favorite at grandpa's house.

Grandpa Fligge's horse, I mean dog, Fador! A favorite site at the pre-show field.

Walking a few weeks "in their shoes" gave us a new appreciation for the pioneers and their lifestyle.

The Davis' are pulling their load~Aunt Darlien and the cousins. :)

Grandpa, Steph, and Fador.

During the second week of the pageant, Stephanie was invited to play the part as daughter of Hyrum Smith. She got to be center stage for several scenes, including the final scene. She told me that she was not nervous, but "hyper" inside because she was so excited.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Nauvoo Pageant