Sunday, July 29, 2007

High Adventure For Two!!!

Now that Amanda can babysit, Doug and I can actually go out on dates together. What a wonderful life-stage to be in! Usually we go to the movies &/or out to eat. Not much else to do right now because it is too hot for most outdoor activities. Saturday, we (I mean I) decided to be spontaneous and brave the elements. We decided to go tubing down the Stanislaus River. Why not? We have the tubes, the baby-sitter, and a super hot day.

After a few minutes (I mean moments) in the river, we realized that the Illinois streams and lakes had not prepared us for the CA mountain rivers. Brrrrrrrr!!!! That water is COLD!!! With our inter tubes under us and our canoe paddles in hand, we headed down the river. It was a wonderful afternoon, even though we spent much of our 4 1/2 hour tour spinning in circles because of the winding and unpredictable current and also because of our crazy paddling techniques, fending off trees and approaching shorelines with our paddles, and laughing at each other. The scenery was beyond words, the water was crystal clear, and the company was priceless. The rapids were mild, which was a blessing in disguise. I so enjoyed our "high adventure" and look forward to another run at it within the near future. As for Doug, he can't wait for our next date of dinner and a movie!!!!

We meant to take a few pictures when we finished our run, but we were to numb to stand or walk straight. :)


Shannon Powell said...

I'm so proud of you both! What a fun date, not to mention quite an adventurous one. If only I could've been a fly on the paddles to experience that trip!! Ha Ha!

A. Hunter said...

So that explains your sunburn! Sounds like an adventurous day. Maybe I should plan a date like that for Andrew. He would love it.

The Humbles said...

Cool pictures. The kids look so grown up! Check out our nursery photos on our blog!

Love ya,